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Friday, August 29, 2014

The Game's Afoot!

Stumbling, bumbling, wandering, and slowly inching my way from dissatisfaction, frustration and anger to a measure of inner piece and a sense of purpose. This is how I see my path from an abused youngest child of an alcoholic mother and distant father to the present day. My journey is not yet over, today I seem to be a a cusp, a tipping point. Actually I've probably already past the tipping point and my live is slowly but inexorably twisting into a new direction.

After over twenty years, my work in high tech has ground to a halt. It's now very clear to me that my life is heading in a different direction, whether I like it or not. I'm still hoping to strike a bargain with my soul, my "guides," if you will, to allow me a few more years of regular work while I get my spiritual practice off the ground. I don't know if they're going to buy it, but a man's gotta try. It sure would be nice to have some income for a year or two while I get my spiritual house in order. They can rightfully say that they have given me ample time and warnings already, but I just took the slowdown just as a call to find another job. Same o, same o.

Now it seems absolutely clear that change is in the wind, the game's afoot, and I will either lead, follow or get dragged behind in the dust. Ready or not, here I go.

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