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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Comforting a Spirit

This is an interesting experience during a meditation. I did it while listening to The Crossing Point of Light A Workshop with Dr Steven Greer. Maybe it’s odd to do that. Perhaps I should listen to music or just silence. I find that different things trigger different experiences, like when I watched that documentary about the oldest cities in the word and it triggered memories of living in them. This, not so much. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. A lot of these UFO things focus on fear and conspiracies. This one, less so, but it was still pretty dry and not too interesting to me.

When I meditate, it seems that I go through a period of calming down, then a blank time, then a part where it seems like my body is asleep but my mind is awake. Today, nothing interesting happened until I was in the third part.

I have generally found the third part to be a bit frustrating. It seems to me that since my body is in this really relaxed state, I should be able to go on some amazing mind trips. But I can’t, as a rule. Today was no exception, though I can’t be sure why, since odd things have been happening or not happening of late.

For lack of anything better to do, I set about doing some healing of my left leg. There’s really nothing technically wrong with it, but lately it I’m getting really odd vibes about it. It feels like the foot want to curl under when I’m not looking, causing twisted ankles if I’m not careful. And, from time to time, I get the feeling that it’s not there. Like I’d lost it at some point. This makes me a little nervous, I don’t know what this might mean. What it might cause to happen. At any rate, today I was letting the energy flow into my leg and trying to do something about, what looked to me like “stuck” energy, when I felt someone next to me.

That someone was sad and lonely and seemed to be crying. It could have been someone I know, maybe not. I had no idea what to do except give her all the comfort and love I could. It seemed like a “her.” I tried to make her feel loved. I did everything I could for a while, and then she was gone. At the point I decided it was time to wrap it up and get on with my day.

I wonder if I just make this stuff up. This entity shows up, from time to time, sometimes very affectionate, sometime aloof. This is the first time it was sad. It seems like a woman, but not always. There are periods when it disappears for a time. At those times, if I look very carefully, I can sometimes just make it out. It’s very faint. No way to know if I’m just imagining it or not. Perhaps it’s attention is somewhere else. This is the first time I’ve see it sad. And it was very sad. I could feel the despair and loneliness as strong as my own. I want to think I helped, but I expect I’ll never know. I’ll never know if it’s even attached to a living person. And so we’re back to that annoying question of, Is this real?

Well, I’ve spent most of my life saying that anything that made me uncomfortable, didn’t exist, was just my imagination. Now I’m just going to go with it. It is what it is and it means what it means, and someday I’ll find out what that is, or I won’t. Fine either way.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Shadows on the Wall

This morning I did some Shadow work. This is a Shamanic thing. The Shadow is those parts of yourself that you aren't aware of or don't want to acknowledge. "Shadow," get it? I think it's a great term. The more I think about it the more I like it. What is a shadow? It's something that always follows you everywhere. You can never get rid of it nor can you touch it. It dogs your every step, displaying who you are with no bias or pity.

It's easy to get confused when you first hear about Shamanic traditions, since many of the terms have become loaded with sinister connotations over the centuries. For instance, in Christian tradition, Dark is evil and Light is good, and anyone who deals with "dark" or "shadowy" things must be evil or, at least, misguided. Shamanic tradition, on the other hand, recognizes that everything has it's positive (light) and negative (dark) aspects. Like the two sides of a coin, you can't have one without the other, and that true health and happiness is the result of integrating both aspects of our nature to achieve balance. One important thing that Western medicine has done for the world is to banish the idea that disease is "evil." Can you imagine what medicine would be like if we continued to believe the medieval notions of disease as "dark" and only evil sorcerers could study it? Unfortunately, many faith traditions have decided that since Light (God) is Good, everything non-Light is Bad, and therefore should be banished completely. This results in endless suffering for their followers as they constantly struggle with their, all to human, natures.

So, the first thing you need to do when you step into the Shamanic world, is reexamine all your thoughts and beliefs around words like Light, Dark Shadow, Spirt, and Demon, for starters, and be open to new ways of thinking about spirituality. I don't pretend to be a Shaman, that requires much more training and experience than I have time for at this point in my life, but I have had some training in that area and have done some Journeying. Eagle Spirit Ministry says this about shaman:

"A shaman is a healer who has walked up to the Underworld gates of his/her own personal hell and then walked in. He/she has confronted and conquered his/her self-created demons, such as fear, insanity, loneliness, self-importance, and addictions, has unflinchingly confronted his/her own Shadow self as well as the evil of others, and can successfully deal with forces of darkness equally with those of light."

Over my years I have been working to deal with the Shadow aspects of my personal hell. We had a discussion in class about the concept that a healer has to heal herself before she can be of service to others. One opinion is that is a contemporary, Western idea. I question the contemporary part, as there were serious questions as far back as the Middle Ages about whether sacraments, like marriages, performed by priests who were later defrocked or otherwise found to be "in sin," were valid. Both Western science and the Church have come to the conclusion that it's the work that matters, not the worker. I can't help but wonder. Since we have pedophile priests and doctors more concerned with their reputations and incomes than their patients, I can't help but wonder if we need to rethink that whole idea. (Perhaps if successfully dealing with one's own personal hell should be a prerequisite for any healing work, we'd see fewer scandals, in all professions.)

This morning I did some Shadow work by myself. It definitely would have been better to work with someone, but I didn't have anyone available, I had some stuff that was really bothering me, so I took a shot at working it out on my own. I worked with an exercise called "Feeding your Demons." Hold on, what did I say about leaving your definitions at the door? I know that, to the uninitiated, that sounds like a witch heading down to the dungeon with fresh kittens or something, but that's not it at all. First of all, understand that a "demon" is a Shadow aspect of yourself. Remember, Shadow isn't necessarily bad or evil, it's just a part of you that is unrecognized or denied, and you can no more get rid of it than you can have a quarter with only one side. So, what *can you do?

Well, you can ignore and deny, (If you've ever ignored a medical condition, you know how well that worked out.) or you can understand, accept and turn it from a foe to an ally. That's what Feeding Your Demons is all about. While it seems perfectly logical to make the best of what you've got, beliefs about that Right and Acceptable can get in the way. This does not mean that if a part of me that wants to murder, I must accept being a murderer. That is absolutely not true. (Though, if you do have that in your Shadow aspects, you need to deal with it in some way, or it will come out on its own, in ways you probably won't like.) Demons, which could be called "Issues" in a different context, are manifestations of something underneath that, through this kind of work, you can uncover and resolve. Thus bringing you more control over your life, and more empathy and compassion for others in similar situations.

In my case, the issue, or "demon," I started with turned out to not be very important, for it quickly morphed as I worked through the exercise. This work turned out to be a process of discovery, uncovering and releasing aspects of the issue that I hadn't known about. Because of this, and because I ran out of time, (Another problem I have when I'm working by myself: My mind tends to wander!) I never quite completed the exercise. But I learned a lot, and I felt and slept better when I was done, so it achieved its purpose.

We never conquer our Shadow, or slay all our demons. But by facing them, and walking a spiritual or Shamanic path we give ourselves a measure of peace and personal freedom that is simply not available any other way.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Clients, Dentists and Spirits

Lots has been going on and I’ve had a hard time focusing on things to write about. Finances have been on my mind. It doesn’t look like I’ll have enough savings to make it through to my my retirement kicks in. I’ve been looking for work, but no dice so far. I have a trickle of income from my practice, but it’s no enough to make much difference. I do feel like I’m starting to get some traction getting clients through connections, and that’s good, unfortunately that will take more time to pay off. I have a couple of steady clients, pro bono, but they have connections that could steer more clients my way. But first I have to prove that I can deliver the goods. Things are looking good so far….

I started to do the rounds of local dentists in the area, but just a couple of conversations made it pretty clear to me that I need to finish my certification first. Ouch. So I need to sit on my hands, so to speak, for another four weeks. That will be hard. I also need to put together a flyer tailored to dentists and physicians. Maybe my dentist will be willing to give me a few minutes to help with that.

I am pursuing other avenues though. MeetUp, for instance, produces a slow trickle of leads and other ideas. One of the people there suggested ParaCon, the Paranormal Convention, that’s only a few miles up the road this year. (Is that a coincidence or what?) I though I could be a speaker, but that ship has sailed, but I signed up to be a vender and I’m working on a short presentation/dialogue I can give people as they stop by. Maybe all those times I spent manning a both at trade shows will finally pay off!

Change of subject: More things happening around spirit releasement. (That’s really a mouthful, isn’t it: “spirit releasement.” I’m going to have to come up with a better term than that.) Working on my own, after class, I’ve released about ten additional entities. I can’t help but ask my self, am I making all this up? I mean, it does seem a bit excessive. I guess you can never be sure, but I have seen some tell-tail signs that maybe there’s really something to it after all.

The first sign is the different feeling of each personality. They are really different. They speak differently, they feel different. The emotions they express as they tell their stories are sometimes quite strong. The children especially. For example, there was the twelve year old girl who was stripped, raped repeatedly in some dark place, was told it was all her fault, and then shot. The boy of eight who, with a bunch of others, was told to hide in a cave during a really bad storm. Then the cave filled with water so that they were trapped and drowned. There was the three year old who really didn’t know what happened to him, he just was looney and scared. And then there was an eighteen year old girl that died in someplace very cold and very dark. You know, after a while you reach a point where you just don’t want to know any more. But am I really making all this up? It sure doesn’t feel like it.

The other sign I get is what I feel physically when these entities leave. In one case, when the spirit was present and active, I felt a pressure on the back of my neck, almost like a hand, and there was a distinct jittery, cold sweat, nervousness throughout my body. This is something I’d been noticing, on and off, for as long as I can remember. This feeling tended to come up when I found myself alone without something “important” to occupy myself. As soon as the spirit left, I felt my whole body relax. Those feelings haven’t been back, and I’ve been sleeping better as well. I’d gotten so used to having this guy around, and I had no idea how much trouble he was causing me.

Most spirit attachments don’t have such obvious effects. Good thing, since most people have attachments, to some degree or other, we’d all be running around like possessed wackos, otherwise. On the other hand, when you look at all the stuff you see on the news every day, you have to wonder now many of those people are really running on their own recognizance.

I also feel something else when they leave, an intense, not unpleasant, tingling. It varies in intensity and how much of my body it covers. That might have something to do with how strong the entity was or how strongly it was attached to me. Could be either, or something else entirely. But it a pretty clear sign. I can feel it, even if I wasn’t expecting them to leave when they did. I suspect it has to do with the the return of the energy that they were taking from me. Spirit attachments cause a constant energy drain on your system. Usually it’s too small to notice, but sometimes it can be a real problem. Like an app running in the background on your phone, slowing things down and draining the battery. Shut it down and everything runs that much more sprightly. I think that the tingling is a momentary jolt caused by energy being returned to me.

It’s interesting that I’m getting so much experience with all these kind of things, things I wouldn’t have admitted knowing anything about ten years ago. And I seem to be starting to run unto people who need help in these areas as well, so cross fingers and put stuff out there.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spirit Releasement

Today we studied the Spirit Releasement technique, and, of course, we got more than we bargained for. This technique is what it sounds like, but not what you may think. It is used to release spirits and entities, of all kinds, that have attached themselves to people, and a variant of it can be used to clear object and places. But, no, it is not exorcism.

The difference is that exorcism uses threats and force to cast entities out of a person, and then leaves them free to jump into anyone or anything nearby. A nasty business. Spirit Releasement, on the other hand, works to heal the entity and return it back to it’s source. That’s the best result for all concerned and doesn’t leave any angry entities flying around looking for trouble. The teacher told us that a priest she knows sends her clients for spirit releasement. He knows what the client needs, but can’t do anything because the client doesn’t meet the church’s strict criteria for exorcism.

I was wondering where we would find people for demos, but turned out to not be a problem. Spirit attachments are pretty common, and most people that have them don’t ever realize what’s going on. (I suppose it’s like people who walk around for years with parasites and never notice) At other times, people spend years in therapy and get nowhere because the therapist is talking to an attached entity, not the person in the chair. (I’m also told that many of the violent people in psych wards are, literally, possessed. Which is why drugs often have no effect.) And it turned out that, of the five of us, at least three of us had at least one attachment. Surprise! The teacher did three demos and I was the third.

I started out thinking I had nothing. I mean, I had worked to clear myself years ago, and I checked every now and then to see if I had missed anything, but today I found out that I was wrong. Twice.

While one of the others was working, I noticed that my left shoulder was acting up. A lot of what the demo person was saying was resonating with me and the darkness in/on my left shoulder. I followed along with the demo and gave the same general commands, in my head, to the darkness in my shoulder. It seemed like something released along the way, but I’m still feeling something in my upper arm, so perhaps something still has been left behind.

That seemed all well and good. Then the second person finished up and I volunteered, thinking I’d like to see what was going on with my head. When the teacher earlier had us in a body scan, looking for anomalous energy, I noticed that my head seemed solid black. By the time my turn came up, however, it had changed to something that felt like a helmet, over my entire head.

When the teacher started talking to the entity on my head and I immediately began to react in a way that has grown familiar to me from regressions and deep hypnosis, I found it extremely difficult to speak. Like a stutter, but worse. And my body began to move and react in a very peculiar way. The teacher said that I was exhibiting the symptoms of cerebral palsy. Interestingly, the idea that I was displaying some kind of disorder, rather then just not wanting to speak, had occurred to me as well. (Also, it seems that children with cerebral palsy wear a kind of helmet to protect them.)

The entity said that it was 10 years old and had been killed by some someones. This had left it terrified of anything resembling a grown-up or an authority figure. The teacher really had her work cut out for her in getting this entity to calm down and to leave with the help of a spirit/guide. That was quite an experience. At the time, I was thinking that I should be embarrassed at the way I was behaving, but I just went with it.

That energy of this entity was familiar. I have been running into it, now and then, for at least the past year, probably longer. Now I’m looking forward to the next time I can be regressed, so I can see if I can finally get through to whatever that entity has been blocking all this time.

The world is stranger than most people think. I guess it’s intellectually comfortable to live in your own little world, but not believing in disease will not protect you from getting sick. And neither will pretending spirits don’t exist protect you from their effects.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It’s a girl!

This week we did a section on past life regression. Yeah, I know, I’ve been involved in that for about a year now, but now I got the information from a hypnotherapy perspective. I originally came to the whole hypnosis thing from a perspective of Dolores Cannon’s QHHT training, and that was mostly “follow the script.” Now, as I’ve gone through hypnotherapy, training I’ve learned to recognize how the script is put together, what the various pieces are for and where they came from. I’ve also noticed some weaknesses in the scripts that I’ve slowly been working on improving. One thing I’ve learned is that basic regression is much simpler than Dolores’s model might lead you to expect. That said, I have no problem with her creating a “cookbook” script that most people can use, that will work for most people, most of the time, and do no harm.

In class, the teacher did a group regression for the demonstration. For the induction, she used a novel, (to me) visual of a grandfather clock that ticked backwards! Interesting. My experience, this time, was probably the most “normal” regression I’ve ever had, which was nice since I often get the really weird stuff.

In my regression, I found myself a woman, in her early twenties, standing on a cobblestone street. I sensed horses and carriages in the distance. I was wearing brown boots with a medium heel. I kept thinking how difficult it was to walk on cobblestones in these boots. I was pretty, with long dark hair. I was wearing a dark dress, with a skirt with a black hem with flowers embroidered all the way around. I was carrying a drawstring purse. It seemed to me that the dress didn’t seem to match the period. “Gipsy” popped into my head.

When I wondered about the city, I got London. I questioned that, because it felt wrong, and saw a glimpse of the same girl, but much younger, standing on a street in New York city. So, perhaps she was a American in London. That could explain the dress as well.

Going to the place where I lived, I saw a modest townhouse with greenery around it. Inside, I saw Mother in the kitchen, but everybody else in the house were shadows. (I took that to mean that she was so preoccupied with herself that she paid no attention to anyone else, except Mother.) I saw her room, which was very light, had a white iron bed, a large dresser with a white marble top and a large mirror. The top of the dresser was covered with brushes, combs, hair pins and other stuff.
Moving forward to her death, I saw confusion. It took place in the parlor of the house. There was a large dark, male presence there, and there was no details about him. He was just a man-shaped dark thing. He did something violent that killed her, but she had no idea what was going on. I sensed cutting and blood. She seemed to be turning around, wide eyed, in complete bewilderment as everything turned upside down.

We didn’t spend any time on meanings or lessons while in trance. But afterwards I got the feeling that my current life is all about learning to be with that kind of person and attitude. I certainly have come a long way on that, but I still have my triggers to deal with. I think that seeing this life was a reminder of what it was like to be on the other side, and that I’m not my brother’s keeper, as it were. The people that I deal with are on their own path and my suffering about what they do, or not do, is entirely my choice. I can get tied up in knots about whether they are treating me as I would prefer or I can just be with it and move on in my life, and, as of yesterday, it certainly seems easier to let it blow by and move on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

UFO Con #3, Part Two

The next installment of my visit to UFO Con 2015: Jonathan Nolan’s presentation, part II.

As I mentioned before, Jonathan Nolan is working to create a documentary on the unexplained mysteries of the South Pacific. (https://www.truthfunders.com/projects/mysteries-of-the-south-pacific/.) This project on TruthFunders is now closed, but he doesn’t seem to have given up on the idea, which led to the second part of his story. (Note: The recordings of this talk, and all the rest of them, are supposed to be available for purchase on the UFO Con web site: http://ufocon2013.com)

Jonathan has been collecting material for his documentary, but is waiting for the proper funding before he begins in ernest. What happened next was the result of his deciding to go ahead and do some investigation early. He blames himself and that decision for the tragic outcomes, but I don’t see any reason that it would have turned out much different, even if he did have a lot of funding. As I see it, his team would have gone in with the same set of assumptions and the outcome would have probably been about the same. Assuming he would have been allowed to go in at all.

Apparently, there were persistent rummers of “underwater UFO bases” around these islands. One was “commonly” known, as such things are, but he got wind, from people he trusted, that there was another one on or under, uninhabited part of another island. There were stores about that area that said that people, even natives, who tried to go there were chased off by “frogmen.” Jonathan didn’t lend much weight to these stories, thinking that these were most likely navy divers or they had some other prosaic explanation. But he had information that there was something interesting in a certain lagoon, so he gathered up a team and equipment and they set off.

They arrived on one day, set up camp for the night, then set out for the lagoon the next morning. One of the pieces of equipment they brought along was an underwater mapping drone, used by the mining industry, in order to map the seafloor of the lagoon, so if anything did turn up, they would have a context to put it in. One thing they noticed when they got to the lagoon, was a concrete “rail” (I think he said) that ran down the beach on one side, into the water, then up onto the beach on the other side. Obviously something had been built here at some time, perhaps WWII?

He got a little vague at this point, probably because he wasn’t speaking from notes, but just speaking as it came to him. It seems that they mapped the lagoon, and at some point, noticed a hexagonal hole or tunnel, fairly deep. I think he said that the concrete led to the tunnel. They put on diving gear to have a look. I got the impression that it was too deep for them to reach without special arrangements, but they could get a closer look and better pictures.

At this point something happened that caused them all to get out as fast as possible. They returned to camp, packed everything into boats and left, save one native, who intended to go back to his village and then meet them on the other side of the island. For some reason, this fellow carried all the film footage they had shot.

When they reached the meet up point, they found out that the fellow that was supposed to meet them had been intercepted and hacked to pieces with a machete. Jonathan was, in his words “really pissed.” You have to realize that these islands run under their own laws and traditions that have nothing to do with our ideas of justice. There, revenge is not only common, it’s expected, and for a crime like this, friends and relatives expected blood. Jonathan, for his part, sent in a “security team” to go to this man’s village and see what they could find out. When they got there, the village was empty. Everyone had “melted into the jungle.” But when they search his house they found a backup copy of the footage, well hidden. But, shortly after that discovery, they were ambushed by Fijian mercenaries. (Apparently, the inhabitants of Fiji and the Solomon islands hate each other. So when you want some dirty work done on or around these islands, you hire thugs from Fiji.) The leader of the team was killed and the second copy of the footage was stolen.

Now Jonathan is, well “pissed” doesn’t quite cut it, but he also knows that there simply isn’t much he can do about it, which makes it all the worse. He’s not the type of person that often loses and he doesn’t like it much. But he also knows when to cut his losses. Two of his friends are dead already and he doesn’t want to risk any more. His philosophy about any stories is: Don’t bother me with your stories unless you have proof. And he had no proof or evidence of any kind about the important parts of this story.

Here is another place where the chronology is a bit confused, but I think that next is when the MIB show up (Men In Back). No, they didn’t have black suits, but you get the idea. One day, a suit shows up at his door and tries to get him to lay off looking into the wrong places. He gives him so real attitude, and so a second suit gets out of the car and identifies himself as CIA.

Now one of Jonathan’s projects is recording and translating the written language of the Solomon islands, which he believes may be the oldest written language in the world. The CIA suit offered him time of one of their supercomputers to scan and cross-correlate the glyphs, and when he made this offer, he casually mentioned details of the work that nobody else was supposed to know. Subtly informing Jonathan that “we know everything about you,” in a effort to intimidate him. The catch was that he could make is documentary about anything he wanted, as long as he stayed away from that lagoon. Jonathan doesn’t seem to take very well to those kinds of tactics, so he gets an idea.

His idea is that he will go back to that lagoon and get some proof, essentially on his own. The short version of this trip is: He and a couple of friends, including a young Eagle Eye girl as a guide, took a canoe to the lagoon, where he planned to swim across to where they had been before. (At this point he said something like “I don’t know what I was thinking.”) Once they arrived, he slipped into the water and start swimming. At this point the sea crocodiles started closing in. The story is that these crocodiles are bad news with a capital B. See Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltwater_crocodile) Long story short, the Eagle Eye girl started screaming to him to return, which he eventually did, making it before the crocks closed in, and they left. At that point he was, in his mind, done with the story. He had no proof or evidence of any kind, and despite his position with the natives, he was not a local and there are simply some things he can’t do.

About this time he headed for Santa Clara to discharge his responsibility to the priests and deliver their warning. The flight was awful, and, when he arrived, he got word that the Eagle Eye girl he had worked with had been murdered, drowned in alcohol. There seems to be a serious taboo about spilling Eagle Eye blood, so someone kept pouring alcohol down her throat until she died.

Now he’s seriously angry. As he put it, he took his bag and ripped everything out of it and tore it apart. Eventually, he calmed down and when he did, he noticed something. There was a memory stick in his bag that he didn’t put there. And on the stick was one picture from the lost footage. Somehow, his friend had managed to back up this one picture and slip it into his bag. Now he had some proof and he could tell his story.

Here are the parts of that expedition to that lagoon that he left out, the first he told the story. The night they were camped on the island there was a “light show:” They watched as lights came down from the sky and into the water, and out from the water up to the sky. Then, the next day, when they were underwater, approaching the tunnel, they saw, and filmed, a creature pop up from behind some rocks on the sea floor. That was what was in the picture he found. (It’s not a very good picture, I grant you, so you still have to go by his word. Heck, any picture can be faked, these days.) It resembled “the creature from the black lagoon,” but the head and face looked much more like a deep sea predator than some guy in a costume. It had big fish eyes on either side of its head and a mouth full of long, spiky teeth. They also had massive shoulder muscles. I say they because, after the first one appeared, it waved some kind of signal and six more popped up. That’s when they “GTFOed,” as he put it.

Later, Jonathan decided to find out a bit more about those “frogmen” that he had discounted before. The priests told him that, unlike the islanders, the frogmen used metal. (The islanders don’t, traditionally, have any mining or metal crafting industry) They used metal like the Outsiders do, for weapons, canoes and outboards. “What,” he said, “They use outboards?” No, he was told, they have metal canoes with tops on them that can go underwater….and up in the air.

Another thing he mentioned about the tunnel in the lagoon, was it looked like it was cared-for. Coral “grows like a weed” in those parts, but the area around the tunnel was clear of overgrowth. There as basic algae and minor greenery around the tunnel but it wasn’t overgrown as you would expect of a natural formation. Someone was keeping it clear.

So there you are. Take it as you want. Watching his demeanor as he spoke and especially afterwords, during questions, and while others were speaking, he seemed more like someone committed to a course that he knows will cause him problems, than someone deluded or looking for attention. But that’s my opinion, you are free reject whatever doesn’t fit your worldview.

Final note: He would, probably, never have found that memory stick in his bag unless he had made this trip. A trip that he was required to make because his obligations to the priests as a chief of their tribe. They wanted the story to be told, and this is how they made it happen.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

UFO Con #3 - Part One

For my next installment of my visit to UFO Con 2015, I am going to repeat as much as I can remember of the talk given by the last speaker of the day, Jonathan Nolan. I had talked with him earlier, briefly, but he didn’t say anything about what he was really up to. I expect that the real point of his talk wasn’t known ahead of time to anyone, even the event organizer. His presentation was a first-hand account of something that would make an excellent X-Files movie. I don’t really expect that anyone reading this will believe it, but I’m sure, from his manor, that he believes it and it made a significant impression on him.

For some background, here is the bio that is published on the conference web site:

“Jonathan is a miner, explorer, anthropological researcher, project manager – 10 years in the Pacific managing projects, including acting as diplomatic envoy for a Paramount Chief and mining and marine park projects across the region. He has courted controversy several times, and for several years was the subject of a bitter internet stalking campaign due to his exposure of a fascinating duplicitous space program coverup.

He worked for several years designing United Nations backed climate change projects for Pacific countries before concentrating on commodities and gold as a means of funding non-international aid backed development for regional communities.

In the course of his travels in the Pacific he has directly experienced the paranormal and unexplained several times. Currently the lead developer of the Mysteries of the South Pacific project, a major local employer in the region in 2015 and a series of documentary films seeking to prove or disprove local stories about ghosts, aliens, UFO bases, giants, cryptids and dinosaurs. Some of the islands of the South Pacific are still not properly mapped due to terrain, hostile locals, and constant cloud and mist cover. These are literally off the edge of the map, and the last frontier on Earth where large unknowns may still lurk. You can help Jonathan by supporting the creation of his Documentary at https://www.truthfunders.com/projects/mysteries-of-the-south-pacific/.”

Most of this story took place on a few of the Solomon Islands, I don’t remember the names. One of they is so small the it doesn’t appear on most maps. The time frame wasn’t completely clear, but sine one important event took place while he was on his way to the conference, it seems that it all happened within the past month or so. Jonathan looks about 50, tall, sounded Australian, is ex-military and is built like someone you don’t want to mess around with. He said little about his background, but his manor implied military training and experience beyond that of your average grunt. He seems an intelligent, no-nonsense kind of guy, used to fighting hard and winning. In his capacity as diplomatic envoy, he has been made a local chief one of the tribes. A position that comes with certain privileges but also responsibilities.

One group or people on these islands are known as the Eagle Eyes. These people are highly unusual, because, while they are unquestionably native, having a history in their islands going back thousands of years, they have blond hair, eyes of a cerulean blue, and they are genetically distinct from the other islanders. The picture he had looked photoshopped, but he swears it’s not, and something like that could easily be checked, so why bother? Apparently, their visual range is much wider than the average human, into the infrared and ultraviolet.

The island stories also tell of another group called the Black Eyes, with, not surprisingly, black eyes. Not completely black, but made up of shades of black and dark grey. These Black Eyes could see even better in the dark than the Eagle Eyes, and had a reputation of being ‘bad news.’ I say ‘had’ because they don’t exist before, at least not on those islands. The story is that, sometime after world war II, a ship of ‘Americans’ came and took them all away. Now everyone there believes they went to America.

The Eagle Eyes are so-called that because they can see “two islands over.” Understand, these islands are a place where clouds and fog are so common that you often can’t see the island you are on, yet these people can see “two islands over.” In other words, these people have psychic abilities.

The reason Jonathan gave to come to UFO Con, was to tell the story of the Eagle Eyes and deliver a message/warning from their priests, but once he got here, circumstances changed and he had another story to deliver as well, a story much more important.

The warning from the priests involves cell phones. Once cell phones arrived on the islands, of course, all the kids wanted one. There is a tradition on these islands that the priests need to understand any new thing before I can be accepted by the culture. So the priests set about learning how cell phones worked. What the found out, scared them.

I’m going to paraphrase their world view (mythology?) as it was told to me, because, frankly, I didn’t really understand it. But the relevant parts are that they believe in different planes of existence, kind of like heaven and earth, but not really. In any case, there is a netherworld place called something like the “graveyard,” and it is the transition point between earth and the next world. Souls pass through the “graveyard” on their exit from this life. There are entities that ‘live’ in the graveyard and they normally subsist on the sorrow of people who greave for their dead. In past times, these entities were few, stayed in their place, and generally didn’t bother anyone. But all that has changed recently, because they can also ‘eat’ the electromagnetic energy of cellphone signals, and probably other signals in the same frequency ranges. This is causing major problems for the islanders because these entities are multiplying, and leaving the graveyard to infest our world. He wasn’t clear about what kinds of problems they cause, but this has the islanders quite worried. That was the warning Jonathan came to deliver to our world: that the energy we are willy-nilly spraying into the air is increasingly upsetting the natural order and causing problems that we don’t even understand, let along know how to handle.

But, as I said, that’s not the real reason he flew out to Santa Clara to give his talk.

—to be continued—