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Friday, June 19, 2015


Today I confronted some speedbumps, and new ideas, in my path to awaking. I don’t really like the term “enlightenment,” it’s got too many connotations I’m not comfortable with, and, frankly, it really feels to me that I’m waking up and seeing all the worlds around me that I never noticed before.

Fun fact: The book we call “The Egyptian Book of the Dead,” was actually called “The Book of Going Forth by Day,” by the Egyptians. I know, that sound a bit like, “say what?” Other translations I like better are, “The Book of Going Forth into the Light,” or “The Journey to Enlightenment.”

I have been feeling somewhat stalled in my process. You know, we all hit these plateaus, from time to time, where nothing seems to happen. It doesn’t matter if we’re playing golf, music or taking over the world, we all hit periods where we can’t seem to make any progress. Worse, all the we’ve accomplish up to this point seems worthless. Well, maybe not worthless, but, well, you know what I mean. I’ve been facing that for a few weeks now, where nothing seemed to be happening and I wasn’t making any progress on issues and in areas I consider important.

The other day I, for the first time, started to dive into the Seth writings. This is another body of work that I’ve known about since the ‘70s, but had never read. I started to listen to bits on YouTube and started to get intrigued by what it had to say. Then I found someone who has read and recorded the entire Seth book, “The Nature of Personal Reality,” and posted it on YouTube. I started listening while meditating.

Some of the writings in the book triggered things in me. I have noticed, in recent weeks, that I have certain “discomforts” that only appear when I meditate. They show up after I start and disappear when I’m finished. Odd? Yes. I have looked at these with all the tools I have and haven’t been able to make any headway on finding out why I have them or how to get them to go away. This is one of the reasons that I’ve been feeling like I’m not getting anywhere: I’d run up against something that none of my tools had any effect on.

The Seth text was all about personal beliefs, and how they shape your reality. (“Beliefs” are a huge topic. When you get right down to it, they may be the most important concept you need to wrap your head around, if you are going to awaken. Much bigger than I have time for here. There is no way to overemphasize how important this subject is, but, for now, you’ll just have to go with me on this.) His words gave me a spark the evolved into an idea: It occurred to me to talk to the pains.

So I tried it, and what I found, was that looking into the discomfort and asking, “What would you say, if you could?” resulted in me gaining access to beliefs I hadn’t noticed before. That allowed me to process them out, diminishing the discomfort or eliminating it altogether. So far, I must have already spent at least three hours finding and processing beliefs. Beliefs that were holding me back, in many ways, without me even knowing it. I’m going to get a soft copy of one of the books, so I can read it on our upcoming trip. But I definitely want to have hard copies for my shelf. I like reading from paper much more than from screens.

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