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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spirit Releasement

Today we studied the Spirit Releasement technique, and, of course, we got more than we bargained for. This technique is what it sounds like, but not what you may think. It is used to release spirits and entities, of all kinds, that have attached themselves to people, and a variant of it can be used to clear object and places. But, no, it is not exorcism.

The difference is that exorcism uses threats and force to cast entities out of a person, and then leaves them free to jump into anyone or anything nearby. A nasty business. Spirit Releasement, on the other hand, works to heal the entity and return it back to it’s source. That’s the best result for all concerned and doesn’t leave any angry entities flying around looking for trouble. The teacher told us that a priest she knows sends her clients for spirit releasement. He knows what the client needs, but can’t do anything because the client doesn’t meet the church’s strict criteria for exorcism.

I was wondering where we would find people for demos, but turned out to not be a problem. Spirit attachments are pretty common, and most people that have them don’t ever realize what’s going on. (I suppose it’s like people who walk around for years with parasites and never notice) At other times, people spend years in therapy and get nowhere because the therapist is talking to an attached entity, not the person in the chair. (I’m also told that many of the violent people in psych wards are, literally, possessed. Which is why drugs often have no effect.) And it turned out that, of the five of us, at least three of us had at least one attachment. Surprise! The teacher did three demos and I was the third.

I started out thinking I had nothing. I mean, I had worked to clear myself years ago, and I checked every now and then to see if I had missed anything, but today I found out that I was wrong. Twice.

While one of the others was working, I noticed that my left shoulder was acting up. A lot of what the demo person was saying was resonating with me and the darkness in/on my left shoulder. I followed along with the demo and gave the same general commands, in my head, to the darkness in my shoulder. It seemed like something released along the way, but I’m still feeling something in my upper arm, so perhaps something still has been left behind.

That seemed all well and good. Then the second person finished up and I volunteered, thinking I’d like to see what was going on with my head. When the teacher earlier had us in a body scan, looking for anomalous energy, I noticed that my head seemed solid black. By the time my turn came up, however, it had changed to something that felt like a helmet, over my entire head.

When the teacher started talking to the entity on my head and I immediately began to react in a way that has grown familiar to me from regressions and deep hypnosis, I found it extremely difficult to speak. Like a stutter, but worse. And my body began to move and react in a very peculiar way. The teacher said that I was exhibiting the symptoms of cerebral palsy. Interestingly, the idea that I was displaying some kind of disorder, rather then just not wanting to speak, had occurred to me as well. (Also, it seems that children with cerebral palsy wear a kind of helmet to protect them.)

The entity said that it was 10 years old and had been killed by some someones. This had left it terrified of anything resembling a grown-up or an authority figure. The teacher really had her work cut out for her in getting this entity to calm down and to leave with the help of a spirit/guide. That was quite an experience. At the time, I was thinking that I should be embarrassed at the way I was behaving, but I just went with it.

That energy of this entity was familiar. I have been running into it, now and then, for at least the past year, probably longer. Now I’m looking forward to the next time I can be regressed, so I can see if I can finally get through to whatever that entity has been blocking all this time.

The world is stranger than most people think. I guess it’s intellectually comfortable to live in your own little world, but not believing in disease will not protect you from getting sick. And neither will pretending spirits don’t exist protect you from their effects.

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