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Thursday, April 2, 2015

UFO Con #3 - Part One

For my next installment of my visit to UFO Con 2015, I am going to repeat as much as I can remember of the talk given by the last speaker of the day, Jonathan Nolan. I had talked with him earlier, briefly, but he didn’t say anything about what he was really up to. I expect that the real point of his talk wasn’t known ahead of time to anyone, even the event organizer. His presentation was a first-hand account of something that would make an excellent X-Files movie. I don’t really expect that anyone reading this will believe it, but I’m sure, from his manor, that he believes it and it made a significant impression on him.

For some background, here is the bio that is published on the conference web site:

“Jonathan is a miner, explorer, anthropological researcher, project manager – 10 years in the Pacific managing projects, including acting as diplomatic envoy for a Paramount Chief and mining and marine park projects across the region. He has courted controversy several times, and for several years was the subject of a bitter internet stalking campaign due to his exposure of a fascinating duplicitous space program coverup.

He worked for several years designing United Nations backed climate change projects for Pacific countries before concentrating on commodities and gold as a means of funding non-international aid backed development for regional communities.

In the course of his travels in the Pacific he has directly experienced the paranormal and unexplained several times. Currently the lead developer of the Mysteries of the South Pacific project, a major local employer in the region in 2015 and a series of documentary films seeking to prove or disprove local stories about ghosts, aliens, UFO bases, giants, cryptids and dinosaurs. Some of the islands of the South Pacific are still not properly mapped due to terrain, hostile locals, and constant cloud and mist cover. These are literally off the edge of the map, and the last frontier on Earth where large unknowns may still lurk. You can help Jonathan by supporting the creation of his Documentary at https://www.truthfunders.com/projects/mysteries-of-the-south-pacific/.”

Most of this story took place on a few of the Solomon Islands, I don’t remember the names. One of they is so small the it doesn’t appear on most maps. The time frame wasn’t completely clear, but sine one important event took place while he was on his way to the conference, it seems that it all happened within the past month or so. Jonathan looks about 50, tall, sounded Australian, is ex-military and is built like someone you don’t want to mess around with. He said little about his background, but his manor implied military training and experience beyond that of your average grunt. He seems an intelligent, no-nonsense kind of guy, used to fighting hard and winning. In his capacity as diplomatic envoy, he has been made a local chief one of the tribes. A position that comes with certain privileges but also responsibilities.

One group or people on these islands are known as the Eagle Eyes. These people are highly unusual, because, while they are unquestionably native, having a history in their islands going back thousands of years, they have blond hair, eyes of a cerulean blue, and they are genetically distinct from the other islanders. The picture he had looked photoshopped, but he swears it’s not, and something like that could easily be checked, so why bother? Apparently, their visual range is much wider than the average human, into the infrared and ultraviolet.

The island stories also tell of another group called the Black Eyes, with, not surprisingly, black eyes. Not completely black, but made up of shades of black and dark grey. These Black Eyes could see even better in the dark than the Eagle Eyes, and had a reputation of being ‘bad news.’ I say ‘had’ because they don’t exist before, at least not on those islands. The story is that, sometime after world war II, a ship of ‘Americans’ came and took them all away. Now everyone there believes they went to America.

The Eagle Eyes are so-called that because they can see “two islands over.” Understand, these islands are a place where clouds and fog are so common that you often can’t see the island you are on, yet these people can see “two islands over.” In other words, these people have psychic abilities.

The reason Jonathan gave to come to UFO Con, was to tell the story of the Eagle Eyes and deliver a message/warning from their priests, but once he got here, circumstances changed and he had another story to deliver as well, a story much more important.

The warning from the priests involves cell phones. Once cell phones arrived on the islands, of course, all the kids wanted one. There is a tradition on these islands that the priests need to understand any new thing before I can be accepted by the culture. So the priests set about learning how cell phones worked. What the found out, scared them.

I’m going to paraphrase their world view (mythology?) as it was told to me, because, frankly, I didn’t really understand it. But the relevant parts are that they believe in different planes of existence, kind of like heaven and earth, but not really. In any case, there is a netherworld place called something like the “graveyard,” and it is the transition point between earth and the next world. Souls pass through the “graveyard” on their exit from this life. There are entities that ‘live’ in the graveyard and they normally subsist on the sorrow of people who greave for their dead. In past times, these entities were few, stayed in their place, and generally didn’t bother anyone. But all that has changed recently, because they can also ‘eat’ the electromagnetic energy of cellphone signals, and probably other signals in the same frequency ranges. This is causing major problems for the islanders because these entities are multiplying, and leaving the graveyard to infest our world. He wasn’t clear about what kinds of problems they cause, but this has the islanders quite worried. That was the warning Jonathan came to deliver to our world: that the energy we are willy-nilly spraying into the air is increasingly upsetting the natural order and causing problems that we don’t even understand, let along know how to handle.

But, as I said, that’s not the real reason he flew out to Santa Clara to give his talk.

—to be continued—

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