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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder...

I’m going post this here because there’s nowhere else I can talk about it.

Today I was doing my meditation. I am trying a new technique that consists of, essentially, throwing out rules and expectations and letting my mind wander and imagine whatever I like. After an unknown period of doing, I don’t remember what, I found myself in an industrial setting. I was watching an open metal cage, shaped like I slice of bread, but large enough to hold two people side by side, coming toward me on some kind of assembly line. All around there was industrial equipment, pipes, wiring and boxes. The cage had a person strapped in on right side and the space on the left was half-full of equipment.

Next, I was down, next to the cage, at eye level. I could see the persons’ head and shoulders right next to me. I was looking for something. Right then I realized I had no idea what I was doing there! This wasn’t anywhere I had ever been, it wasn’t from any movie I’ve seen. I wasn’t even asleep! As I pondered that, the scene faded.

After a bit, I had the idea to imagine a spaceship. The inside of a space ship. And I came up with a control room that was a mashup of details from Start Trek TOS, Star Trek, The Menagerie, and UFO stuff I’ve read. Everything was white and roundish and curvy. I was looking at my scene and thinking about all the Star Trek similarities when a Grey somehow appeared in the center of my view, then walked off to the left. As he left, he raised he raised his left hand in a awkward wave and said “Hello.” Right then I felt a mild shock and my whole body jerked.

I was really not expecting this. The scene, never very clear, came and went. I figured I’d play along and ask questions. I tried for a while, but things kept wavering in and out and my mind kept wandering. It was sort of like the old days of analog TV, when you were watch a distant station and the picture was awash in static and it would fade in and out. Every now and then I’d get what felt like real contact with someone, for a few seconds, and then it would all wash out again.

I wasn’t able to learn much, but here’s what I did get: The reason contact was so bad was that I wasn’t yet “tuned” properly, “we” were currently working on that. Right then I felt strong tingling over my upper body and a pressure/pointy feeling in my head, bordering on pain. It didn’t last too long. The other piece of information I got was this: I, apparently, am conducting, or are part of, some kind of “research project.” Things got really fragmented by this point and right then our cat insisted that I get up. It’s pretty unusual for her to yowl at my bedroom door like that. I think she wants my attention and is waiting, not too patiently, for me to stop typing this and give her my full attention. I really wanted to get this down before I forgot it.

I honestly don’t know what I should make of this. Should I just accept it at face value, keep going to see what more I can find out?

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