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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Soul Asking for Help?

I never thought I would report something like what I’m now going to describe. It’s not a big deal, as such things go, but it’s way outside of my comfort zone in terms of what I’m willing to admit to people I know, and the public in general. When I have heard in the past, (and even now to a certain extent) other people tell me stories like this, I immediately put the filters go up and my mind goes to places like “nut case,” “attention seeker,” or worse. Much worse. Though I have schooled myself to not show any of this. But, there quickly appears a second voice that wonders, “What if?” and “Am I sure I know everything?” In any case, holding oneself up for that kind of public scrutiny is not a decision I take lightly, but there you are.

Here we go. Last night I woke up about 1:30 in the morning. I didn’t know why and I was having a hard time getting back to sleep. That is a bit odd, because wakefulness usually means I have something on my mind. That something is bugging me and keeping my mind going. But while I was clearly wound up a bit about something, there just wasn’t anything significant on my mind.

These days, it’s fairly common that waking up is a sign that I need to get up and write, but not this time. For there was just nothing there, no topic topic hanging out, wanting to be developed and written down. I also asked my Higher Self and got nothin’ there either.

So I considered, what else could there be to get me up at this hour? The idea slowly grew that there was something, someone, some being, in the room that wanted my attention. I really don’t like the idea that entities are coming to me in the night, asking for help. I’m sorry, but that’s just a bit too much the classic, B-movie medium shtick to be real. Right? Well, it was late and I was tired, so I figured I’d just go with it and get it over with.

There did seem to be an entity in the room. It was hard to sense because it was so dim and seemed sad. I don’t pretend that I had any kind of conversation with it, but I did my best, playing spiritual “20 Questions” to try and understand what was up. Eventually I figured out that it was, in some sense, lost. How that happened I have no idea. But I started both a prayer and a conversation that it would find the Light so it could make it out of this world and into the next. It took some time and I’m afraid that my mind tended to wander, but the being did leave, eventually, and I was able to go back to sleep.

On a related note, I have noticed that my new treatment room seems to have some disturbing feelings about it. Perhaps the energy isn’t right. (Boy, there’s something else that I’d have bet real money that I would never say!) So I’ve embarked on a cleansing program for the room. I’m not real sure what I’m doing, but I’ve cleaned, dusted and vacuumed everything, moved my crystals and other paraphernalia in there and am starting a series of mediations to see what’s what.

It didn’t occur to me until today that I had to so a similar program of cleansing in my other daughter’s room when I took that over. There was nothing specifically wrong, the room just felt off. My program seemed to work. By the time I started working with clients in there, it had settled down considerably. It was much more comfortable and friendly.

So, there you are. Am I actually more sensitive, or am I just paying attention to things that heretofore I have ignored? Hard to say. But, there have always been places that made me uncomfortable or just felt weird, especially some workplaces. In the past I just told my feelings to shut up and got down to work. Although I did my best to ignore the feelings, I can see, now that I look back, that being in those places took a toll on my creativity, productivity and peace of mind. I’m now leaning in the direction that there is something to all this energy stuff, but I’m not super comfortable with it. There’s just not anything solid that I can hang my hat on. The proof is in the pudding, as they say, and since “what works should not be summarily discarded,” is good, practical, advice for success in any endeavor, I will continue on and see where I end up.

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