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Monday, December 29, 2014

Fear and Hope

Another random conversation.

What is there to know, what is there to do? How am I to know what is going on? Does any of this apply to me? How do I know If I’m doing the right thing? Who ways that any of this means anything?

Is there anything for anyone else or is it all about me? Why is everything focused on me? Can’t I do anything for anyone else? Where is something that matters? What is it that I really need to know? What do I need to know know? How do I solve the problem of Maria? What do I do now? Where is meaning, where is importance?

Other people have other realities. They are not your realities. They see what they see and do what they do. They talk to their spirits and work with their energies, but those aren’t necessarily yours. Perception is in the eye of the beholder. Time came to those who wait, not those who work for it. Their realities are no less valid than yours. Yours are no less valid than theirs. They see a different reality than you do. Theirs is just as important and yours, but not more so. You need to do the work that you do.

Don’t struggle to force yourself onto another’s path. Their path is for them. Theirs may look better than yours. It may seem more successful than yours. It may appear so. But is is no more valid than yours. You need to walk your own path for there is where your lessons are. Your struggles are not their struggles. Perhaps, if you are lucky, your struggles will have wide appeal. They will resonate with a wider audience and become popular. That may be a good thing, it may be a bad thing. A general message has general purpose and may not, will not, have the focus that you and other individuals need to navigate your own shoals and find the channel to our destination. Your lessons are not their lessons. Theirs are not yours. You have other things to learn, other karma to work out, other decisions to make. Other fears to overcome.

What are fears?

Fears and that which you must rail against. Fear is the message that pointers are coming. Fear tell you where you need to work, it says that a limitation is coming to light. In ways that openness creates distractions. It says that trouble is not a problem, it’s a solution. It’s an opening to find the way out. It’s the wall that keeps you where you are and prevents you from moving on. Maybe the other side of that wall is important, maybe not. But you can’t go there until you remove the fear, conquer the fear. Ignore the fear.

Fear is that thing that has no backside. When you pass through fear and look back, you see nothing. It’s no longer there. It only exists it scare you, once you pass beyond it, it’s no longer there. It fakes you out by simply moving back. It’s only, really, just the place where you have not gone. Fear of difference, fear of change is all that’s required to keep you safe, in place, in the grove, stuck in your hopelessness. Fear dumbs down the psyche, it leaves you vulnerable to mistakes that happen when you interfere with the flow of information, of beingness.

Relationships are so easy when you’re young. You just feel good and humping, without really thinking. Older times require more caution. Now you can see just how many problems there are, how many reasons there are that thinks will never work out. You have lots of evidence that it’s way too hard, the the odds of everything working out are so huge. Your really get how difficult it is to make any kind of important relationship work.

Maybe it’s not really so hard. perhaps we make it hard by putting so much importance on certain ones. With no expectations, its easy to go with the flow and just enjoy what’s coming. Fit it into the template, that causes the trouble. Expectations cause trouble. Needs cause trouble. Wants cause trouble. Desire causes trouble. Zen says get rid of desire to be free, now you can see that from the inside. It’s not abstract.

Expecting nothing is not the answer. So don’t go that route. Expect love and accept whatever form that takes. Follow your heart and give up what it looks like. truth is what you find, not what you look for. HOPE IS FOUND IN THE UNEXPECTED, THE STUMBLED UPON. Serendipity is. You can’t work out everything in advance. Don’t try. Control is an illusion. Worse, you waste your time on paths, thinking that you have accomplished something. Thinking that you are doing something, finding something, accomplishing something, when you are really not going anywhere. You control out the very things you need to discover.

Controlled chaos is creation. The instincts must be followed, but cannot be ruled. Instinct, intuition provides the guide but only if is unfettered by fear and knowing. Knowing gets in the way of understanding. Hope gets in the way of fear. desire gets in the way of hope. Jealousy get in the way of hope. The path is the light, walk into the light, do what show your the light. Look forward to where your path is leading. Does it take you to the light, to freedom, or restrictions, where you need to follow rules not of your own making, in order to be. Freedom is following the rules that make your light, that your make.

Wait for opportunities, make opportunities? Follow your heart. Something will show you what you need to accomplish. You can get confused by that you think into following the wrong path. Expectations again. New things require new molds. new templates, new visions. If you don’t understand the new direction, then you can’t think your way to it. You must trust. Feel your way each step along the way. Some things may feel wrong. They may be wrong or just against an old paradigm. Allow the light to lead you in the right direction.

All this seems to imply that there is someone, something greater than me running the show. That someone knows better than me and I need to let them run the show. Let them guide me, for they know better.

What do you want? Is more of the same really what you want? You can only do what you know, you can only build more of the same you already know. The truly new requires inspiration. If you only allow a little inspiration, you make little progress. Thus you have taken many lifetimes to get where you are. Allow more inspiration and you can have more progress. Allow all inspiration to move as fast as possible. Live in inspiration and be the light. Anything that comes will be of the spirits’ making. What rules do you have that allow you to reject anything? I am trying to tell you something, trust, open, free, galactic, truths are lying in wait for an open mind. There is more to know, more than I know. But the illusion keeps you from it. Open to it, imagine what could be, what might me, what is, if you let it. That’s all there is.

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