I was watching this video, 'Mira Kelley: Beyond Past Lives' today. Half the video is her story, about how she discovered past life regression as a child of 13 in Bulgaria, had an amazing vision of a prior life, then pretty much forgot about it and went on with her life to become a corporate lawyer in New York, until a severe and prolonged medical condition caused her to seek help with a past life regressionist. Long story short, two sessions with the regressionist and her condition was permanently cured. This set her on a path that eventually caused her to devote her life to promoting, researching and practicing past life regressions for healing.
I've heard her story before, so I wasn't really sure why I was listening to it again. I hadn't seen this particular video before, but I've seen others were she told pretty much the same story. But made this one special was the meditation she led at the end and how it affected me.
I wasn't actually watching the video. I was letting it play while I did some energy work. I suppose it should be difficult to concentrate while someone is talking in the background, but it seems to help me. Partly because the work can be repetitious, and somewhat tedious, and my mind can wander and I forget what I'm doing. So having the right subject playing can help keep me focused. Also it helps because the right video will things that they say will drive the process forward by triggering stuff or sending me down new alleyways. By the time she got to the meditation, I was already really relaxed and receptive.
I was expecting a regression session, instead it was just a meditation for relaxation. Ah well. I went along with it and it was nice. I felt some interesting things, like my legs and especially my feet relaxed so much that it felt like they were melting. It was like I could feel something in my feet slumping like hot wax and forming soft lumps on the bed. I also saw that the inside my entire torso was dark. Not black but dark. There was a outer layer, about two inches thick, that was bright and colorful, but the rest of the inside was shadowy. I was told, earlier today that I needed to do some energy work, for alignment or something, that consisted of visualizations and certain motions around my torso. I've been doing something like it for a while, but I had no idea what it was accomplishing, but today I got that it was to be my primary meditation practice for a while. So when I saw the bright layer and shadowy insides, I thought, "Ah ha! Maybe that's what I'm working on."
Things continued on and I was going with the flow, when she said something about noticing the space around you. That caused me to see a clearing around my body, about a foot thick. Like a cocoon, except it wasn't a cocoon of something but a cocoon of space, even underneath me. And then I saw myself expand out of my body into that space. I don't mean my body got bigger, but a fuzzy white something, that was me, grew out of my body into the space. My awareness also expanded and moved partway outside my head. From that point of view I saw stubby, flapping, things sticking out of my shoulders, like wings.
The whole process felt really cool in a way I can't describe. Like nothing I've felt before. Sadly, it only lasted for a few seconds before everything got sucked back inside. I had the definite feeling that I was not allowing it. I tried again, several times, but every time I could only expand a little bit before it, whatever "it" was that didn't allow it, kicked in and stopped it. Then the meditation ended and I had to slowly drag myself back to the land of the conscious.
Another interesting experience that I don't understand. I guess that's what exploration is all about: discovering new things that you then have to figure out. I woke up today about 5 am and it was made clear that I wouldn't get back to sleep until I wrote this down. Nite.
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