Yesterday I missed my post. I feel a bit bad about that, but things started crazy Saturday night and are just starting to slow down. In a way, it would be nice if my life had gotten busy, but that's not the case. Apparently, the spirit world decided it was time to kick some of us upside the head.
Ok, Saturday night. I have been reading Dolores Cannon's book "Beyond Abductions," the result of her years of research into UFO abductions and other related phenomena. That night I got into the 'good part' when it really interested me. I was thinking I was reactivating something, but I figured I would maybe have some interesting dreams. Instead, I had a very restless night with a long, episodic, dream. It was just scene after scene after scene, with no apparent logic or story, but there was a point which I'll get to later.
I have the idea that it took place in present time, but it in in a place like an old west small town. The streets were dirt and sandy to the point where, at one point, I was trying to ride an old, rusty, tricycle, but it kept getting bogged down. Everybody was dressed in 'Old West Grubby,' dirty, loose, shapeless, old west outfits. In the first episode I was in a saloon and there was a big, blond, Russian propping himself on the bar. Later when I came back he was gone and I knew that he had finished his time as 'the guy who hangs out at the bar,' and it was time for someone else to do that job. Later, I remember that someone had put a small gas engine on the back of a rusty bicycle, and I was thinking that he needed to tie it down better if he expected it to work properly. I thought this as I watched him struggle through the sand in the street.
In the very last episode, I was sitting at a big round table in the saloon with my feet up on the table. The place was pretty crowded. Directly across from me was the guy who played "J.D." Dorian in the TV show Scrubs, dressed like I was, also with his feet on the table. Neil Patrick Harris was also there, dresses just like the rest of us, or perhaps a little snapper. He was on his way out, saying that he had an interview or something to go to. The dream ended as "J.D." was telling me about how we all have to play our assigned roles, but, when we're done, it's time to leave it, step away, and move on to something else.
When I woke up, it was late, after nine, but I felt like I was getting up a four in the morning. I was groggy, my ears ringing and a mild roaring dizziness that lasted, on a off, most of the day. I seemed to function ok but I was really absent-minded and checked out all the time. I had a client session in the afternoon and that went really well, but later that night I had a master class in audition technique and, when it was my turn, I couldn't remember the words of my song to save my life. It would have been horribly embarrassing if I wasn't so spacey. Well, probably not. That kind of thing doesn't really bother me much any more. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it sure makes life easier. The thing is, in the theater you screw up, everybody does, you do your best to cover and move on. If you let it tear you up, you'll live a miserable life. I'd rather not be miserable.
When I got home, about 10, I was too tired and wired to think about writing, so I gave it up, figuring I would sleep it off and dive in in the morning. Not to be. It was another restless night, even worse than before, heart pounding all night and a nasty knot of black tension at the base of my neck that I could not release. Finally, I put on some YouTube lecture and put my full focus on that, and that allowed my a few hours sleep. This morning I woke up the same way as before, groggy and dizzy. I had an appointment with the spiritual teacher at 1, so I cleaned up, did chores, answered email and worked on my business license stuff until then.
When I met with my teacher, she told me that I wasn't alone, a lot of people are having the same issues. Apparently some new energy is coming in and those of us who are ready for it, are being, what, aligned? adjusted? tuned? Anyway, it should be over soon. I certainly hope so.
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