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Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Structure of Beliefs

Now to the final nitty-gritty of what belief work is all about. First, let me summarize what a beliefs is: A Belief is an emotion combined with a thought and, frequently, physical symptoms. (I haven't mentioned the physical symptom part before because, frankly, I'd forgotten about it. But today an incident reminded me, with a vengeance!) What I have been describing as a "Belief" consists of an originating event and dependent events, which I call activations, which are linked to the originating event.

Originating event are formed when something happens to you that is powerful enough, or frightening enough to scare the primitive parts of your mind into recording everything and filing it in a special place under the heading "Do Not Do This Again." From then on, whenever something in your environment matches the contents of that recording, your primitive mind leaps forward to replay the original event, with whatever feelings and physical discomforts that were recorded. The strength of the replay is correlated to how strongly the current environment matches the recording. This is done to "protect" you, by warning you that a bad thing is going to happen.

Activations, or dependent events, are formed at those times when the environment matches and "activates" an original event recording. Activations also record the environment when they occur, and these new recording are added to the file as triggers for new activations. In this way, mild anxieties can grow over time into debilitating phobias.

The structure of beliefs more often resemble a bush than a chain. I think this is because primitive mind is somewhat over-zealous, and activates recording when the environment is "close enough" to the original. So a recording containing a specific environment can be triggered by a lot of similar environments, and then these are added to the scope of the belief. For example, the belief, "I can't sing," could become liked with, "I can not sing," "I'm not allowed to sing," "I'm not free to sing," and so on.

You really have no choice about any of this. You can't reason with your primitive mind, or bargain or persuade it, these functions are completely automatic and out of your control. However, you can remove the original recordings, which prevents any further activations.

There is one more important point I need to make about beliefs before I discuss removing them: Beliefs take energy. Call it "life force," brain "processor cycles," or whatever you want, but part of your mind's processing power is constantly being used to store, monitor and reactivate these recordings, so there has to be some effect. I don't know exactly how that works, but I do know that when you release a belief, especially a large one, you feel a burst of energy and it feels really good. Over time that high will fade and you will feel like you're "back to normal," but that won't be quite true. You do come down from the initial high, but you don't quite make it back to where you were before. It will seem like it, but that's because it's a "new normal." You've just gotten used to it, so nothing seems different. If you keep on working, one day, something will happened to cause you to notice how differently you react now, compared to the past, and you will be amazed at how far you've come. But still, you just don't feel any different!

To permanently remove a belief from your life, you must remove the original event. This requires that the original event be uncovered, examined in detail and re-experienced to the point where all the emotional charge is released. Once the emotion is completely drained, the event will just vanish, gone, poof. If the event doesn't disappear, and you're sure you've removed everything you can around it, then it's not an original event. There must be another, earlier, event that is holding it place.

An original event can be very powerful and difficult to face on your own. I know this from personal experience. You really need a coach or teacher or guide of some kind to keep you on track. Facing a powerful originating event can be the toughest thing you ever do. It can be physically and emotionally draining to the point where you really want nothing more that to give it all up and run away as fast as you can. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it can be really, really, really, (did I say really?) hard.

One way to both find original events and to make them easier to remove, is to "clear out the brush." What I mean is to drain the emotional charge from as many dependent events as you can find. This will weaken the original event. To find an original event, you start by following the chain backwards from dependent event to dependent event. I call this "following the feeling." Which is where you note whatever feeling a dependent event has and search through your mind for related thoughts or memories or anything that maximizes that feeling. Another thing you can try is to simply ask. Ask your higher self, "Show me the next event in this chain," and accept whatever you get. Once you have it, "revel" in it and experience everything about it until the emotions are gone. Muscle testing should still show something, if it doesn't, there is nothing left and you can skip the next part. Next you can use this prayer finish the job: "Mother, father God, maker of all there is, it is co-manded that the belief ___ (fill in here whatever phases this you're looking at) be removed from all time and space, and all levels of existence, and sent off to the light of God. Do it now. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done." Now muscle testing should show nothing when you think or repeat the phrase.

Once you've cleared some originating events, there will be lots and lots of orphan dependent events floating around that no longer have an anchor to hold them in place. You can handle these as they pop up. Don't be discouraged if you think your seeing the same belief over and over again. There can be a lot of dependent beliefs and dependent variations, it will take a while to get them all. Hang in there, the more you clear out the better you feel. Relax, you will get there.

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