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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Understanding Doesn't Always Come Easy

Today I have three things to talk about. I know they are linked together in some way, it just hasn't become clear to me yet exactly how.

A few days ago I had an image come to me near the end of my daily meditation. I call her the Blue Lady. What I saw was a face, near the left edge of my field of view, facing me in three-quarters profile. The face was a feather. I don't know how else to say it, it was a big, royal blue feather and face at the same time. If you can imagine a big, blue, oval-shaped, feather with the edges all fuzzy and downey, then imagine it's a face with the quill running down the center of the forehead and nose, and two large, dark eyes. I just know it was a "she," and she looked like she was amused about something.

As I watched, she pursed her lips and blew, like she was blowing out a candle. A few moments later a cool, almost cold, breeze blew across my body. (I was in a small room with the door and window closed) There was something else going on in the foreground, but I can't remember what it was. But the image of that face sticks clearly in my mind.

Now on to other items. Last night I had two dreams, here is the first: I was a middle-aged man, standing on the corner of an intersection. This intersection looked brand new, with wide streets, curbs and fancy stoplights, but there were no building anywhere in sight. The terrain was rolling, grass-covered hills, stretching in all directions. It was to be right around sunset, and the air was crisp and clean, like right after a rain. The sky was full of dark, heavy, clouds. I was standing in the grass at one corner of the intersection, facing diagonally across it. I could see, several miles away, a cluster of lights that suggested some buildings or a small town.

I first I was alone. Then I began to notice that the wind was picking up with the definite feel of a storm coming on. Then I made up my mind and "Ok, it's time to go!" I was talking to a group of about 5-6 people that were now scattered across the intersection, all dressed in uniform-like work clothes. I was standing at the bottom of a small hill, and, as I turned to walk up it, I could see the bright lights of what looked like a fancy, modern, gas station, at the top. But I knew it was actually a small airport.

In the next scene, we are inside our "plane." I feel that it looked an old-fashioned looking biplane, but was quite large. Inside it was made of lacy aluminum struts, like the inside of a Zeppelin. There was plenty of room and two pilot seats. I was no longer the captain, but a young woman, a rookie, and the captain was telling me to take the co-pilot's seat as we got ready to leave. We needed to get out of there before the weather got too bad.

Next dream: I was at a small complex of modern-looking, multi-storied, company buildings, located in some hills in a pine forest. It was night. For some reason, I needed to get into one of the buildings. I was waiting in a bathroom when some guys came in. One carrying box of, what looked like, a set of telephoto lenses packed in form-fitting foam. He put the box on a sink and went into one of the stalls. I thought, for some reason, that having one of those lenses would allow me to get into the building I wanted, so I took one.

Later, I was walking along the edge of the trees, looking down into one of the buildings where I could see people moving around through the glass walls. I was having second thoughts. I was thinking that having the lens was very dangerous and I should get rid of it and get out of there. I decide to just stick the lens in a tree and leave. I had some trouble getting the lens to stay on the branch where I put it. I ended up propping it up with some twigs and wood chips.

Later still. I was standing on a dark road, outside the building complex, talking to the man I stole the lens from. It turns out that the lens was very valuable, and he was in all kinds of trouble because he lost one. I wanted to strike a deal with him, I would tell him where I left the lens if he promised not to mention my involvement. He was reluctant and I was thinking I should have wiped my fingerprints off before I stashed the lens. At this point the dream devolved into a long series of "what ifs" as I tried to figure out a way out of the situation without getting in trouble.

After I woke up, I laid there and pondered for a while. I noticed that certain words seemed to point to something. Words like "forest", "steal", "dark", "Germany", and "lens", seemed to have a connection with a discomfort I was feeling in my abdomen, just below my stomach. I dug at that for a while, or meditated, or pondered, use whatever term you like, and it seemed like I was getting close to something, beginning to build a picture of what it was all about, when everything shifted.

These are the times when I just want to throw my arm and yell in frustration. "I was SO close!" And now it's gone again! Ug! Ug! Ug! Well, there's nothing to do about it but start all over again, but I shortly realized is was time to get up. I would have to ponder this later, and put up with the discomfort, for however long it lasts, until I do.

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