I was lying in bed this morning, in that half-aware state, somewhere between awake and asleep, when I noticed some discomfort in my groin. No big deal, but I was "looking" at it and something seemed off, I had the thought "What caused that?" Immediately I heard, "An injury sixteen years ago." Huh. So, I thought "Can you heal that?" I heard "yes," and the pain went away. Cool! So I asked, "Can you heal my shoulder?" "No," was the reply. "Why not? " I asked. "Because it's a lesson." "What lesson?" I wanted to know. "Patience." I was getting a little annoyed by now. "Patience for what? Job, work, something else?" No answer. I could tell that whatever I had access to was now gone. It seems my attitude had severed the connection.
In the movie "Constantine," the main character is a kind of demon hunter, (...it's complicated, watch it if you want to know.) that discovers early on that he has incurable lung cancer. He asks, "Is this punishment?" "No," was the reply, "It's two packs a day for twenty years."
Gangaji makes a point in her videos that it (enlightenment?) is not about getting really good at certain spiritual practices. Or avoiding certain practices. It's about being honest about who and what your are. Whatever you do, whatever you are, admit it, own it, and tell the truth about it.
I have been told, from different sources, over several decades, that we do it to ourselves, people! That everything that happens, every disease, every injury, every event has been designed by us for a specific purpose. I'm not sure I buy that 100%, but I'm getting close. I can see, for instance, how my actions and attitudes contributed to the downfall of the company I used to work for. I was not a mover or shaker, I didn't make any of the business decisions, but I played my part in the final outcome. If only by selecting which company I worked for. I have always determined what kind of people I would work for, and what jobs I would have, through my beliefs around what I was allowed to have, and what I was supposed to do and be.
A little too "New Agey" for you? Consider the bible, Matthew 18:18: "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." If you're a Christian, you are saying that you have direct control over the rules of heaven, but no control over your own life. I guess that's a good way to avoid any responsibility, it's all somebody else's fault, or "part of God's plan." But it's a bad way to have a fulfilling and satisfying life.
If life is a video game, you wrote it. All the twists and turns, the blind alleys, obstacles and puzzles. If doesn't seem to make sense, or your just not satisfied, perhaps it's time to confront those obstacles that lead to the next level and unlock new abilities. Find your purpose and get with the program people!
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