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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Healing Crisis

A while back, I tried a QHHT session on myself. It's probably not the best way to do it, but beggars can't be choosers, and finding someone to work with has been difficult. And I really had something bothering me. So I figured, "Whats the worst that can happen?"

I did it at the end of my daily meditation session. As often happens when I meditate, I relax for a while then I seem to "go away" for a while and when I "come back" I'm very relaxed, in a state where I'm perfectly warm and comfortable, no matter how cold the room. At least until I start to come around.  As long as I stay real deep, I'm fine, but when the trance lightens up I start to cool off and really begin to notice the temperature of the room. Maybe I fall asleep, but then why am I so warm and deeply under when I come back?

This time, when I "came back" but was still under, I invoked my subconscious with the same words I would use with a client. Spoken out loud. And I found myself answering with a different voice. Yay. So I asked a bunch of questions, but the answers were often difficult to understand.

I get very physical when I do this stuff: My body jerks and my face gets all screwed up, which makes it difficult to speak. So some of my questions were about all that: "Why do I do ___." Answer, "Your blocked." No news there. "Can the block be removed?" I asked. "Yes," came the reply. "Please do," I said. "Are you sure you want me to?" Hm, I though the HS knew everything, why was it asking me? I had the definite feeling that removing the blocks would have consequences, but I said "Please, go ahead."

A few hours later I had a scratchy throat and my nose felt funny. I have been told that was caused by an imbalance due to the removal of some blocks. I was sick with a cold for two weeks and I really didn't get my voice back for three. Now I know what the SC was warning me about. Though, all in all, it's a fair trade. I like what opened up since then and the cold didn't bother me all that much.

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