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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Success!

I had more success! Well, partial success anyway. My client, C, was able to access an interesting life as a young girl with a group of nomads in Egypt. I have no idea when it was, and it doesn't really matter, for it was a good first step for both of us. It took some work to get C that far down, so yay for that, but I when I tried to move her forward to the next step in the process, C seemed to pop right out of her trance. Perhaps the her subconscious was just not ready yet. It took me a while to develop my meditations skills, and I'm still learning, so I should not be surprised that it may take awhile for C, and me, to reach a level of proficiency.

This is really a bonus for me. To actually have some measurable success is something that means a lot to me. Success in this area has always been elusive to me, results have always been vague, subjective and impossible to reproduce. All the best results have been so hard to verify that I'm always left wondering whether there's anything to it at all. It really helps that my daughter is eager to try again. This time I am very hopeful that the what I learned from her last time will help us tremendously.

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